Sabtu, 02 Februari 2019


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The Big Picture
The world will be home to nearly 9.7 billion people by 2050, putting unprecedented stress on healthcare resources. Technology will help. But people also need to be motivated to lead healthier lives.

Did you know?
Global spending on health will almost triple from $9·21 trillion in 2014 to $24·24 trillion in 2040.


Vanessa Candeias
Head, Shaping the Future of Health and Healthcare, Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum


Nancy Brown (CEO of the American Heart Association)

Yayasan Jantung Indonesia


Stephen Klasko (CEO of Jefferson Health) is a transformative leader and advocate for a revolution in our systems of healthcare and higher education.


Shobana Kamineni (Executive Vice-Chairperson, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise)
Frans van Houten (Chief Executive Officer at Royal Philips)


Hospitals complement and amplify the effectiveness of many other parts of the health system, providing continuous availability of services for acute and complex conditions. Hospitals concentrate scarce resources within well-planned referral networks to respond efficiently to population health needs. They are an essential element of Universal Health Coverage and will be critical to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.



How should we define health?
Health may be defined as the ability to adapt and manage physical, mental and social challenges throughout life.

Telaah mengenai #TheFutureOfHospital, mau tak mau kembali mengarah ke keyword #Healthcare, yang berasal dari kata #Health.

#Health berarti #Kesehatan, ada teori yang membaginya menjadi 3, antara lain:
#1 #KesehatanFisik #PhysicalHealth
#2 #KesehatanMental #MentalHealth
#3 #KesehatanSosial #SocialHealth

Sebagai orang yang pernah bergelut dengan #screenplay, saya langsung connect dengan buku “The Art of Dramatic Writing”-nya #LajosEgri. Fokus ke menciptakan karakter mulai dari FISIK, PSIKIS, hingga bagaimana ciri khas karakter dalam pergaulan SOSIAL.

Teori tentang #Health di atas masih mendapat predikat #maybe dari @wikipedia, yang artinya, wacana ini masih simpang-siur. Jadi masuk akal karena memang penggunaan kata #health cenderung melebar. Kadang-kadang kita pun memakai istilah seperti #HealthOfFinancialSystem, #HealthOfEcosystem, etc.




02 Jan 2019 | Mental Health
Elisha London | Chief Executive Officer, United for Global Mental Health (United GMH)
Peter Varnum | Project Lead, Global Health and Healthcare, World Economic Forum
Why this is the year we must take action on mental health


08 Jan 2019 | Future of Health and Healthcare
Kristina Lagerstedt | Founder and CEO, 1928 Diagnostics
How we can win the war against antibiotic resistance
#AntibioticResistantBacteria have become a serious threat to global health.

Bakteri tertentu pada orang tertentu kadang-kadang sulit disembuhkan, karena bakteri tersebut kadang-kadang sudah mengalami resistensi terhadap beberapa antibiotika tertentu, oleh karenanya perlu dilakukan Kultur di Laboratorium Klinik terhadap specimen (air seni, darah, faeces, dahak, ingus atau secret lainnya) untuk mengetahui jenis bakterinya dan juga antibiotika apa yang masih mempan terhadap bakteri tersebut. Pada infeksi saluran kemih kadang-kadang dijumpai lebih dari satu bakteri sekaligus.

The term #AntibioticResistance is a subset of #AntimicrobialResistance, as it applies only to bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics.


14 Jan 2019 | Global Health
Arif Husain | Chief Economist , UN World Food Programme
Cooking with Numbers: Lessons From a Food Economist
NOTE: Its interesting. Make me think... Do we need new social media focus on #NutritionalStatus?


14 Jan 2019
Sean Fleming
Senior Writer, Formative Content
This is The World's Biggest Mental Health Problem


16 Jan 2019
Paul Stoffels | Vice Chair of the Executive Committee and Chief Scientific Officer, Johnson & Johnson
Three Ways The World Must Tackle Mental Health


22 Jan 2019 | Global Health
Seth Berkley | CEO, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
Globalization 4.0 Needs to Reach The World's Most Marginalized Children


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